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06.28 (금)

Daegu Metropolitan Transit named preferred bidder for Philippines’ LRT maintenance project

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation (DTRO) was chosen as the preferred bidder for a project worth 39 billion won ($35.7 million) to do maintenance work of the Manila Light Rail Transit (LRT) System Line 2, the company said Friday.

Once the two parties sign on a final agreement, DTRO is expected to be in charge of supporting maintenance work of the LRT Line 2 connecting the east and west of Manila, the capital of the Philippines, for the next five years. It is scheduled to sign an official contract with the Philippines’ Light Rail Transit Authority early next year after going through a qualification review around the end of this month.

Following the latest deal, the company plans to expand its overseas business. It is currently seeking to win a project for operation and maintenance of Singapore’s Sentosa Monorail and plans to tap into overseas monorail construction business in the Philippines and Thailand. DTRO President Hong Seung-hwal said that the company will work hard to secure various projects based on its 20-year-long experience of running Daegu Metro.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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