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09.29 (일)

Florida man asks parents in India to come help him beat his wife

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Devbir Singh Kalsi, a 33-year-old Indian man, asked his parents living in India to come help him beat his disobedient wife.

Riverview, Florida - A 33-year-old Florida man, Devbir Singh Kalsi, and his parents, Jasbir Kalsi and Bhupinder Kalsi, were arrested for physically abusing and imprisoning Devbir's wife, Silky Gaind who is also 33 years old.

From left: Jasbir Kalsi and Bhupinder Kalsi

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Devbir Kalsi who is originally from India asked his parents to come to his home in Florida to help him beat his wife who is disobedient to him. Kalsi and his parents locked Gaind up in a room and beat her up to "counsel and discipline".

Their one-year-old daughter also got struck when Kalsi and Gaind got into an argument last Friday. He struck Gaind "repeatedly and forcefully" and in the process, their daughter was hit in the face. Gaind who was holding her daughter tried to defend herself but she was outnumbered and overpowered by her husband and his parents.

Gaind managed to contact her parents in India and asked them to contact the local authorities in her area. They alerted the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office and a deputy responded to the resident that Kalsi and Gaind were sharing. The officer knocked on the door but no one responded. A deputy continued to knock and Gaind screamed for help asking to save her and her child. After hearing her cry, the deputy knocked the door down by force, but Kalsi tried to push the door closed. The officer successfully forced his way into the house and arrested Kalsi. His parents confronted the deputy and the officer called for backup and arrested Kalsi's parents.

When the deputies found Gaind, she was "badly beaten and bruised over her entire body". The authorities believed that the abuse had "been ongoing for an extended period of time".

According to the report released by the authorities, it said Kalsi's father even threatened to stab Gaind with a kitchen knife. Gaind's cell phone was taken away to prevent her from contacting her parents and the authorities during the abuse and imprisonment.

Devbir Kalsi was arrested and charged with felony battery, false imprisonment, harassing a witness and child abuse. Kalsi's father who is 67 years old was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, harassing a witness, and child abuse. Kalsi's mother who is 61 years old was also arrested and charged with domestic violence battery and failure to report child abuse.

The news shocked many and was published by major Indian news media.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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