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06.29 (토)

China's anti-corruption czar rumored to have accumulated wealth illegally

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By Hong Soon-do, Beijing correspondent, AsiaToday

Wang Qishan, one of the closest allies of Chinese President Xi Jinping and the head of China's anti-corruption watchdog, has been recently rumored to have accumulated wealth illegally. If the rumors are true, Wang's state as well as Xi Jinping's anti-corruption efforts could be harshly affected. Furthermore, the legitimacy and integrity of the current administration could be seriously undermined.


China's anti-corruption czar Wang Qishan ( left) and Chinese President Xi Jinping./ Source: search engine Baidu

According to a Beijing source familiar with the Chinese government authorities' information, the unfortunate scandal broke out in the United States. It is said that Wang owns a $5.34 million luxury mansion in San Francisco under the name of his wife's sister Yao Mingduan. It doesn't seem like a groundless rumor considering that it has been reported by local Korean-language newspaper Segye Ilbo as well as Radio France Internationale (RFI).

Moreover, the source that gave the information is rumored to be Guo Wengui, a Chinese billionaire who fled to the United States after facing an investigation for corruption charges. The fact that he knows a lot of confidential personal matters of the Chinese leadership is already publicly known in the American Chinese community. Z, a former high-ranking official who asked for anonymity, said, "Guo Wengui made a tremendous fortune by taking advantage of his friendly relations with high-ranking government officials. Obviously, he knows a lot about secrets of many high-ranking officials."


Wang Qishan, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline, and his wife's family who raised doubts about illegal wealth accumulation. The second to the right in the second row is Wang, the fourth to the right in the front row is his wife Yao Mingshan, and the third from the left is Yao Mingduan./ Source: search engine Baidu

According to the source, the controversial mansion, built in 1992, is believed to have been purchased in 1996 by Yao Mingduan, Wang's sister-in-law. It was when Wang served as the head of the construction bank. If the rumors are true, it is likely that Wang bought it with the money he accumulated at around this time. If not, it is also probable that Wang's father-in-law and former vice-premier Yao Yilin paid for it. It makes sense either way.

However, it's clear that Wang's rumors won't be verified easily. It's because he is the head of the anti-corruption watchdog. Besides, Xi Jinping wouldn't shake up his closest ally only hearing rumors. Nevertheless, it's clear that Wang's wealth accumulation rumor will have a deleterious effect on the Xi administration.

ⓒ "젊은 파워, 모바일 넘버원 아시아투데이"

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