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[PRNewswire] Thailand's Solution to Cocoa Price Crisis

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Chula's "Innovation Center for Research and Development of Sustainable
Thai Cocoa" - Thailand's Solution to Cocoa Price Crisis

-- Chula's "Innovation Center for Research and Development of Sustainable Thai Cocoa"

BANGKOK Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Chulalongkorn University [https://www.chula.ac.th/en/ ] has launched the Innovation Center for Research and Development of Sustainable Thai Cocoa (ISTC) [https://www.chula.ac.th/en/highlight/184902/ ] to address Thailand's cocoa price crisis by promoting sustainable practices and improving product quality. Led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Thansiphorn Na Nan, the center aims to help farmers and businesses within the Thai cocoa ecosystem through education, research, and innovation. The primary focus is on shifting the market towards high-quality cocoa products with unique flavors and aromas, giving Thai cocoa a competitive edge globally.

The global cocoa industry has faced challenges due to climate change, which has affected production in traditional regions like Africa and South America. With its favorable climate, Thailand is now seen as a potential new hub for cocoa cultivation. Many Thai farmers, particularly in Nan province (dubbed the "Cocoa Province"), have begun growing cocoa, viewing it as a promising economic crop. However, a lack of proper knowledge in cocoa cultivation, harvesting, and fermentation processes has resulted in substandard yields and poor-quality cocoa beans that are often rejected by buyers leading to price drops, and wastage.

To address this, the ISTC, under the structure of Jamjuree Innovation Products Co., Ltd., educates farmers on correct cultivation practices, emphasizing quality over yield, while boosting the capabilities and potentials across all cocoa business units. Additionally, ISTC promotes local cocoa processing and fermentation to maintain product quality, by reducing quality loss during transportation.

The center also offers quality certification services using innovative cocoa quality management and a cocoa bean quality certification system to elevate the quality and standards of Thai cocoa on the global stage. The center is also developing an application to guide farmers in choosing suitable land for cocoa farming.

ISTC's long-term goal is to create a unique identity for Thai cocoa by developing distinct aromas and flavors linked to regional differences in cultivation and fermentation using craftsmanship and storytelling to add product value. The center encourages farmers to focus on high-quality, single-origin cocoa, which can command higher prices in niche markets. Through education, certification, and innovation, ISTC seeks to position Thai cocoa as a sustainable economic crop, benefiting both farmers and the broader industry.

For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/cusarcocoa.

Read the full article at https://www.chula.ac.th/en/highlight/184902/

Media Contact:

Chula Communication Center

Email: Pataraporn.r@chula.ac.th

Source: Chulalongkorn University Communication Center

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