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07.04 (목)

LTechUVC secures green ammonia supply deal in Thailand

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LTechUVC CEO Kim SE-ho (third from left) shakes hands with MA Corporation Oil Company Limited CEO Achirathorn Itthawoln (second from left) during the signing ceremony on June 25, 2024. Courtesy of

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SEOUL, June 26 (AJU PRESS) - Korea's LTechUVC has signed a supply deal with Thai energy company MA Corporation Oil Co. to supply 200,000 tons of green ammonia annually for 15 years.

The green ammonia producer said the two entities held a signing ceremony in Bangkok on Tuesday (local time). A total of 3 million tons of green ammonia, valued at $2.25 billion, will be supplied to MA Corporation Oil over 15 years.

MA Corporation Oil specializes in energy trading, supplying oil and natural gas imported from Russia and Europe to Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

Green ammonia, produced solely from renewable energy without emitting carbon dioxide, is considered an important part of a sustainable hydrogen ecosystem.

"With the launch of the green ammonia business in Thailand, following our ventures in the UAE and India, our role on the international stage will continue to expand," said LTechUVC CEO Kim Se-ho.
Kim Joo-heon Reporter jhkim123@ajunews.com

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