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05.05 (일)

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Lotte Home Shopping to import fashion products from OOF Wear

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[Courtesy of Lotte Home Shopping Co.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Lotte Home Shopping Co. announced on Monday that it will acquire the rights to distribute international fashion brands in South Korea, starting with OOF Wear, an Italian vegan fashion brand.

Lotte Home Shopping’s entry into the importation of foreign fashion brands is driven by the desire to explore future growth opportunities.

The company aims to diversify its offerings by discovering and formally importing global fashion and accessory brands that have not been previously launched in the domestic market.

The first brand introduced under this initiative is OOF Wear, an Italian vegan fashion brand known for its sustainable and cruelty-free products.

The imported products will initially be sold through fashion specialty malls, multi-brand shops, and other external shopping platforms.

To enhance brand visibility, Lotte Home Shopping will also engage in influencer collaboration advertisements, short-form video production, and other brand marketing activities.

Last year, Lotte Home Shopping established a global sourcing team in charge of importing global brands and domestic operations.
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