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06.28 (금)

Chinese ambassador voices discontent over Seoul’s pro-U.S. diplomacy

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Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung, left, and Chinese Ambassador to Seoul, Xing Haiming pose for a photo in Seoul on June 8. [Photo provided by National Assembly Press Corps]

Chinese Ambassador to Seoul, Xing Haiming, has voiced his discontent over South Korea’s pro-U.S. diplomatic approach during a dinner meeting with opposition leader Lee Jae-myung.

During the meeting, held at Xing’s residence in Seoul on Thursday, Xing and Lee of the Democratic Party exchanged views on bilateral and regional issues, including South Korea’s trade deficit with China and concerns surrounding Japan’s intended discharge of radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Lee is a great politician in South Korea, Xing said, adding that since he is considered to be a friend, “I’m going to make some honest comments,” pulling out a prepared manuscript and reading from it.

“I’m deeply concerned and heartbroken that China-Korea relations have encountered many difficulties recently,” xing said, adding that “frankly, the blame does not lie with China,” bringing up the issue of Taiwan.

“Taiwan is a key issue on China’s agenda and also the foundation of China’s relationship with South Korea,” said Xing. “The future development of China and South Korea is politically based, so we will be very grateful if South Korea keeps its promise and respects China’s key interests.”

The ambassador also addressed the issue of Korea’s trade deficit with China. “We’ve also kept a close eye on Korea’s trade deficit,” he said. “I think it’s partly due to the global economic situation and the semiconductor industry going into a downward spiral, but I think it’s also due to some efforts to get out of China.”

“The China-Korea relations have been facing external challenges. Some bet the U.S. wins and China loses,” he said. “But this is a wrong judgment.”

On the issue of the proposed discharge of contaminated water from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, he said, “It seems that Japan is using the Pacific Ocean as its home sewer for economic gain, which is extremely irresponsible. It looks like Japan is going to make a decision to discharge contaminated water into the ocean, and we’re strongly opposed to that.”

In response, Lee said, “I have recently heard from Korean exporters and local companies, and they are complaining of various difficulties. I hope the ambassador will pay attention to this issue.”
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