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[PRNewswire] UBTECH Cruzr teams up with Thai mobile retailer giant Jaymart to

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promote Thailand's industry 4.0 and AI

(BANGKOK, Oct. 12, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On October 11, Shenzhen-based Ubtech Robotics Corp., the world's leading humanoid robot research and development firm, signed a MoU with three of Thailand's leading organizations in their respective sectors: mobile retailer Jaymart, the Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO), and anti-counterfeiting printing group Chan Wanich Security Printing.

In a move with epoch-making significance in terms of the transformation of the traditional retail store model, nearly 1000 UBTECH Cruzr robots will be deployed in service roles at Jaymart, supporting Thailand's push to embrace industry 4.0 and AI and promote new social services.

Thai Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Somchai Harnhirun attended the signing ceremony and spoke highly of the signing of the MoU. As part of its industry 4.0 strategy, Thailand has identified emerging industries as new engines for economic development. Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Somchai Harnhirun noted that Thailand already has a solid industrial base, and that the collaboration with UBTECH will spur the development of new sectors while further enhancing the competitiveness of the country's dominant industries. Further facilitating the development of Thailand's industry 4.0, UBTECH plans to collaborate with the three signers of the MoU to accelerate the establishment of smart cities by using innovative AI robot products and technologies.

FIBO founder Dr. Djitt Laowattana said the partnership with UBTECH is the first step in its technological transformation.

Jaymart CEO Adisak Sukumvitaya said it is a great honor to work with FIBO and UBTECH to bring in the world's leading AI and robotic products and technologies, which will deliver a more personalized and caring experience to the retailer's customers.

UBTECH overseas sales deputy general manager Peng Wu delivered a keynote speech, during which he elaborated on the role of AI and robotics in advancing human society, and the expectations he has for UBTECH in further invigorating Thailand's new retail and utilities sectors.

The nearly 1000-strong squadron of Cruzr robots is expected to be a major disruptor to the traditional retail model and revamp what shopping means for the country's consumers. The Cruzr robot with its comprehensive set of fully integrated functionalities is the first scenario-oriented, easy-to-use and efficient solution that can serve the entire retail industry chain from experience to marketing and management.

The deployment of the Cruzr robots is expected to help Jaymart reduce costs, enhance efficiency and improve the customer experience as the retailer transitions to a new retail model based on consumer experience, offline points of sale and data management.

Meeting the diverse and personalized needs of consumers today, Jaymart actively embraces new AI robot technologies to create a new digital retail model. The alliance with UBTECH will serve as an illustration for other retailers, and the successful model is expected to soon be replicated in other markets.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181011/2263615-1-a

Thai Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Somchai Harnhirun attends the signing ceremony

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181011/2263615-1-b

Thai Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Somchai Harnhirun

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181011/2263615-1-c

FIBO founder Dr. Djitt Laowattana

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181011/2263615-1-d

UBTECH overseas sales vice general manager Peng Wu

Source: UBTECH

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