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07.01 (월)

[K-BIZ] Chungju Light World

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A world-class luminaire theme park has been launched in South Korea's central city of Chungju.

The permanent theme park, dubbed "Chungju Light World", has been designed by an Italian company specializing in light fixtures and equipment. The operator of the park claims it is the world’s largest of its kind.

The light park which cost 10 billion won (US$9.33 million) has been built on a site of 250,000 square meters and composed of 16 theme zones, including a fairy-tale village and the Eiffel Tower zone.

[Jin Gi-Hwa, tourist]
"It's pretty fantastic. I feel like I am in a fairyland. No other luminaire theme parks can be more gorgeous than this."

The highlight of this park is the 100 meter-long light tunnel installed at the zone of St. Peter's Basilica. The light structure depicting the cathedral in Vatican City is 15 stories high and featured with one million LED lamps.

[Kim Jae-Won, production director, Chungju Light World]
"All the lamps installed here have been digitalized and temperature controllable. And the operating facilities here are all connected with the central computer system."

"Chungju Light World" is widely seen to become one of the world's most visited tourist attractions.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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