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07.01 (월)

[K-STYLE] Golden Royal Seal

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A turtle sits on a golden seal.

The turtle is the handle of the seal.

It's tiny and neat.

The turtle's head is small and pointy and scales are delicately carved into its legs.

This stamp is known as a royal seal produced by the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty in the 16th century.

Joseon's 13th King Myeongjong ordered the production of the "Golden Royal Seal for the Bestowal of Honorific Title upon Queen Munjeong".

Queen Munjeong acted as a mighty regent for her son King Myeongjong.

The original version of the royal seal was created in 1547 but completely burnt in a fire in 1553.

This seal was reproduced in the following year.

The royal seals in the Joseon era were created when the royal family conferred honorific titles upon kings and queens to pay respect to them.

Also, such seals were made to celebrate the installation of crown princes and crown princess.

Receiving the royal seals means they were formally proclaimed as the heir to the throne.

Unlike the Great Seals used to confirm formal documents, the royal seals were ceremonial stamps.

They were made of gold, silver or jade.

The royal seals were produced only for the sake of their owners, and then stored permanently in the Jongmyo after their deaths.

Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the deceased kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty.

The Royal Seal of Queen Munjeong is known to have been smuggled out to the United States during the Korean War.

Last year, the royal treasure returned to its rightful home after 65 years following a joint investigation between the two countries.

The Royal Seal of King Hyeonjong was also transferred to Seoul at the same time.

King Hyeonjong's seal was created in 1651 to mark the installation of Hyeonjong as the Crown Prince of King Hyojong.

[Moon Yeong-Cheol, former head, International Cooperation Division, Cultural Heritage Administration]
"The Great Seals and Royal Seals are significant as they are a symbol of the nation's sovereignty and self-esteem. In particular, the return of the Royal Seals of Queen Munjeong and King Hyeonjong has a historical meaning since it represents the overcoming of national crisis and the nation's unity. It also has contributed to bolstering ties between Korea and the U.S."

The royal seals from the Joseon Dynasty were registered with the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme in October last year.

They are precious royal treasures symbolizing the Joseon monarchy's authority and continuity.

A total of 331 royal seals created during the Joseon Dynasty between the 15th and 20th centuries have been listed on the UNESCO program.

The South Korean government has been putting forth efforts for the return of the royal seals smuggled out of the country.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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