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09.29 (일)

7-year-old girl pulls King Arthur's Excalibur from legendary lake

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A 7-year-old girl pulls out legendary Excalibur out of a lake in Cornwall, England.

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Many myth hunters and King Arthur fans searched for King Arthur's magical sword, Excalibur, in vain for centuries. Then a 7-year-old girl Matilda Jones casually pulled out the legendary sword from the lake in Cornwall, England where it was said to be thrown at.

There are two versions of legend around Excalibur and King Arthur. According to one of the versions, King Arthur of Great Britain got his throne after pulling Excalibur, which only a true king can obtain, from a stone. The second version says that Excalibur was given to King Arthur by the Lady of Lake living in Dozmary Pool. Both versions of legends say that Excalibur, the magical sword, gave King Arthur the power and sovereignty. After King Arthur's death, his loyal follower Sir Bedivere threw Excalibur into Dozmary Pool.

The very same Excalibur was found by Jones who was paddling with her father, Paul Jones. The sword was about 4-feet-long. It happened right after the dotting dad told Jones and her sister the tales of King Arthur their holiday in Cornwall.

Jones excitedly pulled the sword out of the lake. However, unfortunate for Arthurians, her father suspects that sword is "probably an old film prop" and is about 20 to 30 years old.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com
KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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