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[AJU VIDEO] Exploring Durnstein, Austria

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Durnstein is known as the pearl of the Wachau region in Lower Austria.

Durnstein, Austria is a little town that is located in the picturesque Wachau region near the Danube river. Wachau region is famous as a wine growing area and because it is located by the Danube river, the ground is fertile. Durnstein is rightfully known as the pearl of Wachau with its ornate buildings including Stift Durnstein.

It is a cute little village and it only takes about 15 minutes to stroll through the town from the entrance to the end. There are two main landmarks to check out: the first one is Burgruine of Durnstein and the second is Stift Durnstein.

Burgruine is especially famous as where King Richard I of England or Richard the Lionheart was held captive. Getting to the castle from Durnstein takes about 45 minutes on foot through a walkway, but it is worth the walk.

Stift Durnstein is an iconic building of the town with its distinctive blue and white tower. It was found in the 15th century and was designed in current Baroque style in the 18th century.

There are cute little stores and restaurants to check out in the town. If you want to check out the wines from the Wachau region, there is a wine tasting available at a wine bar or restaurants in Durnstein.

Give Durnstein a good half a day to check out the town and stroll along the bank of the Danube river.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com
KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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