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09.21 (토)

Refurbished Note 7 likely to be priced at $620

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Samsung's refurbished Galaxy Note 7, to be released in the South Korean market in June, will be priced at about 700,000 won (620 US dollars), a South Korean IT specialist media reported Wednesday.

ETNEWS said, citing an industry insider, that about 300,000 units of Note 7s would be sold by the three major mobile carriers -- SKT, KT and LG -- and the refurbished smartphones will house new batteries of about 3000 to 3200mAh, smaller than 3500mAh of the original.

Samsung and mobile carriers are in price negotiations. Note 7 was originally priced at 988,900 won, but ETNEWS said the price of the refurbished one is likely to be lowered to about 700,000 won. It suggested that a letter, "R", would be added to the model number of refurbished phones.

Samsung suffered a heavy loss in its global sales and image with Note 7 due to a global recall caused by faulty batteries. However, there have been constant requests from many fans for Note 7's comeback. Experts believe the refurbished smartphones would not affect the sale of Samsung's latest flagship Galaxy S8 released on April 21.

Refurbished devices are commonly seen in the home appliance, mobile, and computing markets. Apple, Microsoft and many other makers repair broken items to sell them with limited warranty to rational consumers.

Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

박세진 swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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