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05.19 (일)

108 Pedophiles arrested in Brazil after operation involving more than 1,000 agents

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108 Pedophiles and member of a criminal ring were arrested after an operation involving 1,100 agents in 24 states.

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Brazil succeeded in arresting 108 pedophiles after a major operation involving 1,100 law enforcement agents in 24 states. This operation is considered one of the largest against pedophilia in Latin America.

After six months of investigation, Brazilian Police was able to crack down on a ring that distributed pedophiliac pornography through computers and mobile phones.

After the triumphal results, Brazilian Justice Minister Torquato Jardim told the local news media "The complex internet environment and the absence of borders in the virtual world are elements that provide fertile grounds for the actions of these criminals", and added the pedophiles "store their illegal, criminal photos on a computer of someone in another country or even abroad. And often the people storing the content are unaware."

The operation was initially targeted for suspects who were sharing pornographic images of children, however, during the investigation, investigators obtained the evidence that a criminal group was involved producing the materials.

It was reported that the parents and relatives of children and teenagers in the photos were involved in the scheme.

Justice Minister Jardim said in his statement to local media, "This investigation was the result of an international effort, together with the United States and several countries in Europe, such as Spain and the United Kingdom."

The authorities are still investigating to find out if the criminal group was independently operating in Brazil or was a part of an international ring.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com
KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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