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05.22 (수)

Hwasung City of Kyunggido, An Exclusive Site in the West

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Close to Seoul city, Kyunggido's Hwasung City is where you can visit not only the ocean but some more to explore.

Take your ride up to the West Sea highway or the Pyeongtek-Shiheung highway to go straight to Hwasung. Here's the first stop you could take called the 'YungGun' tomb where the souls of the Chosun dynasty kings lies.

Where the Soul of Chosun lies, the YungGun Tomb


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Address: Kyunggido Hwasung City, Hyohangro 481BunGil 21
Phone: (031)222-0142
Offdays: Every Monday
Entrance Fee: 1,000 won for age 25 - 64, free for seniors above 65 or children between age 7 - 24 (Personal ID card required.) Free for disabled & veterans


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This tomb is the tragic 27-year-old prince who died locked up in a rice box, the tomb of Sado Prince. As widely known, Sado was a bright young boy but by his father's overwhelming expectations he started to fall apart. Especially since Sado started liking martial arts than literature studies, father Youngjo even grew anger towards him. As the resentment against each other grew, Sado was later locked up in a rice box by the order of Youngjo, and died after nine days.


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The tomb of Sado's son, king Jungjo. Although his father died, Jungjo tried his best in showing respect to him.


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Unlike many other tombs, there's a circular pond called 'Gonshin-ji' here.


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The 'YungGun' tomb not only has 'Gonshin-ji' but also a well-managed forest for those who desire a quiet walk.

Woori Flower Greenhouse, Where Unique Korean Flowers and Plants are


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Address: Kyunggido Hwasung City, Paltanmyung 3.1Mansayro 777-17
Phone: (031)369-6287, 6163
Offdays : Every Monday
Entrance Fee : Adults 3,000 won, Teens and soldiers 2,000 won, children 1,500 won


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'Woori Flower' literally means flowers that have been living along with Korea for a long, long time. Due to global warming changing the temperatures, as well as damaging the environment, many Korean flowers are being extinct by foreign flowers imported.

Inside of the glassed greenhouse of 'Woori Flower Greenhouse,' there are stones that are designed to signify Korea's five most popular mountains; Baekdu Mt, Halla Mt, Jiri Mt, Sulack Mt, and Taebek Mt. Decorated with flowers from each of the landscapes a full portrait of all five mountains are displayed in a sight.


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Right next to 'Woori Flower Greenhouse' at the Donggu-San is a view tower and path road. A curvy path piled with bamboo and a rather straight lined path of wood steps are up to where you want to take the next step.


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On top of Donggu-San is a view tower that opens up a whole view of the West Sea highway and the area of Sangshinri with not one structure in sight to block the view.

Where Ships Sail 24hours Long, A Water Leisure Port 'JunGok'


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Address : Kyunggido Hwasung City, Seoshinmyun Jungoklee


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At Jungok Port unlike most shorelines in the West, ships can go to and fro regardless of the out or in waves for 24 hours. It's also known as a water-leisure spot hinted by the
luxurious yachts and boats that align across the dock.

You can see some yachts with people crossing over the waves. Why not try out some sea-fishing or yacht/boat rides at a relatively cheap price!

A Fish Market Place at Gungpyeong Port


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Address: Kyunggido Hwasung City, Seoshinmyun GungpyeongHangro 1049-24


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Unlike Jungok Port, Gungpyeong Port is an aquarium. A fish market welcomes not only the visitors but local people who came shopping.

There are no restaurants at Gungpyeong Port but if you order any seafood at the fish market, they slice up a fresh dish of raw fish or serve up some spicy fish stew at the spot.


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Gungpyeong Port is known for its beauty of sunsets, proved by numerous shootings. The cloudy weather can sometimes blur the view but that itself also has its own mysterious vibe to it.

The Hwaong Seawalls that Bridge Gungpyeonglee and Maehyanglee


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Entering the Hwaong Seawall, you'll witness a never-ending 9.8km long sea wall. A perfect driving road since hardly any cars pass and an open four-way road round way welcome you to press down the accelerator.

The East Sea is fulfilling enough with its emerald colored waves and the endless sandy shores but the West also got its own attractions. Pick your way this summer for some different experiences out in the sea.

Translated by_Gen_E

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