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05.20 (월)

Back with splendid robot universe 'Transformers: The Last Knight'

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[MHN Seoul] Showing space and extraterrestrial life, actions over land, sea and air, fasten furious of super cars with transformation robot function, the splendid robot universe film 'Transformers: The Last Knight'(Directed by Michael Bay) hit the theaters. While a shared universe franchise films are on the trend like Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe and Dark Universe by Universal, the series of 'Transformer' has its own world view.


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Following the forth series film 'Transformers: Age of Extinction'(2014), 'Cade Yeager'(Mark Wahlberg) appears in Transformers: The Last Knight'. Quintessa, who professes to be the maker Optimus Prime is searching for uses her power to place him under her control. Then he becomes 'Nemesis Prime' and tries to find the ancient relic, 'Merlin's staff' to restore Transformers' planet 'Cybertron'. Two worlds colliding, only one survives.

In this series, new characters and existing characters get together and add fun to the movie. Award winning actor Anthony Hopkins, best known for his portrayal of 'Hannibal Lecter M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)' in 'The Silence of the Lambs' and Thor's dad 'Odin' is casted as 'Sir Edmund Burton', who acts as the only person who releases secrets. Not only the new actresses, plucky young orphan 'Izabella'(Isabela Moner) looking like mini Megan Fox and 'Vivian Wembley'(Laura Haddock) with a secret of bloodline that she did not know, but also the preexisting characters, 'Colonel William Lennox'(Josh Duhamel) and 'Agent Simmons'(John Turturro) are starred in the movie. The appearance of new autobots are fresh. 'Quintessa', a mysterious female villain with ominous plans for Earth, cute little alien robot 'Squeaks', looking like C-3PO butler robot, 'Cogman', 'Hot Rod' with a French accent. Besides of the dinobots from 'Transformers: Age of Extinction', a three-headed dragon 'Dragon storm' turns up in the movie. The movie is interesting to see those new various robots and criminal decepticons line up.


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Trying to make up for the poor record? The reported production budget for this latest installment was $217 million. A spectacular action scene crossing land, sea and air shows not only magnificent but also a cool battle to relieve stress. Twelve Hollywood screenwriter hired might have some clutter in the complex part, but it seemed to be able to create interesting stories such as characters and robots' sensuous jokes.

Starting with ancient period wizard 'Merlin', 'King Arthur', 'the Knights of the Round Table', the medieval genius are intertwingled in the plot of 'Transformers: The Last Knight'. Coming up with Bumblebee's loss of voice and his past, the story is quite complex. According to Korean Film Council, 'Transformers: The Last Knight' has earned $14.7 million so far.
12 | 2h 29min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |


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