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05.13 (월)

Girl group MAMAMOO unveils choreography practice video for 'Yes I Am'

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Girl group MAMAMOO has unleashed a special present for fans -- the video clip of members practicing choreography for "Yes I Am", the title track of the group's new album released last week.

The video showed the four girls dancing in a playful mood to provide fans with a glimpse into their personalities. The group now had the title track of its new album "Purple" ranked high on the real-time charts of major South Korean music services such as Naver, Soribada and Monkey 3, heading off strong challenges from BLACKPINK, Apink and Heize.

MAMAMOO, which debuted three years ago, was not noticed by music fans at the start but it is now one of South Korea's most popular girl groups with its members well-known for their positive and bright attitude as well as singing skills.

Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

박세진 swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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