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05.12 (일)

Body parts found in Hayward Warehouse related to missing Uber Driver

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U.S. Trading company workers found body parts that may be related to the missing Uber driver. The pictured warehouse is not related to U.S. Trading company in Hayward, California.

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No one wants to hear their missing loved ones passed away, especially in a brutal way. Rattana Kim was beyond heartbroken when she heard that the body parts found in a Hayward warehouse in California may be related to her missing husband, Piseth Chhay.

Piseth Chhay, 48, was an Uber driver, a devoted husband, and a doting father. His wife begged publicly to help her husband's safe return in May. She said in the interviews with the local news stations that it was highly unlike of Chhay to not return her call or to not come back home. When he did not answer her calls, she immediately sensed something was wrong and alerted the authorities. The Chhay's car was found stripped in San Francisco.

Chhay left home on Mother's Day to see his friend, Bob Tang, who is a person of interest.

The investigators searched U.S. Trading in Hayward where Tang worked for years after Chhay's disappearance but did not find anything in May. However, the workers at the warehouse alerted the authorities that there was a strong odor coming from the bags that appeared to contain human remains.

Tang's car was found in San Francisco International Airport parking lot. He is believed to have fled the country and traveled to Cambodia to lay low. Unfortunately, the U.S. and Cambodia do not have an extradition treaty, so it may not be possible to bring Tang back to face justice.

A DNA testing will be conducted to identify the body parts found. Chhay's wife is still hopeful that it may not be her husband and he will come back home to his family.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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