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05.03 (금)

HyunMin Han; Between Being a Model and Student

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Two words follow HyunMin Han, 'A Student' and 'A Model'. Between the two modifiers Han approached in front of the camera as model HyunMin Han, and as an ordinary student HyunMin Han. We met up with both sides of Han.

On a sunny afternoon after busily finishing make-ups he stood in front of the camera with a chic face exuding his own uniqueness. Born from a Korean mother and Nigerian father Han is a multiracial model. It hasn't been long since he debuted as a model but his own style and charm has put him on the runway during fashion week and various photo shoots roaming around the market.

Question 1 You started working as a model now, how does it feel? Any memorable episodes so far?
It's something I've wanted to do so bad so I can't believe it still. It's like a dream sometimes. From walking in different moods for every show I'm getting to know the details about this world. There are some episodes, like one time at this show the shoes changed at the last minute so I had to walk in smaller sized shoes. It was hard to walk in those. I believe these small episodes will add on as experiences for modeling in the future.

Question 2 What do you care about the most as a model?
Facial expressions. I'm really focusing on my facial expressions these days. I got some feedback recently that my faces all look the same. Depending on shows there can be brighter and darker moods and to digest all these atmospheres I'm practicing how to 'face'.

Question 3 You're starting to model at a very young age. Any struggles?
I like how I can do what I want and have a profession earlier. But sometimes, being a student used to be a good excuse so I do feel burdensome time to time when 'being a student' doesn't mean anything here. But it also motivates me to work harder.

Question 4 Is there a role model you look up to?
WonJoong Kim. I've looked up to him since way back. He fits in to whatever he wears and his presence on stage is very charismatic.

Question 5 What kind of model do you want to be?
My strength is that I'm different. Some people see the Korean side of me through my black skin, and some people look at me in a totally foreign way. I want to be a model who lives out all of these multi-dimensional parts within.


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HyunMin is one stunner on stage as a model but he's only a seventeen-year-old high school student too. His life in general is an innocent student that's nothing but ordinary.

Question 6 Tell us about your life when you're not modeling.
It's the same as other students. I go to school and when it ends around 4pm I go to PC bang sometimes and do games. On weekends, I do soccer or just go to the rivers.

Question 7 Since you are working there must be some parts you feel like you're missing from school. Anything you miss?
Since I started modeling after going to high school I haven't really been able to go to school often. So I had a lot of friends who I didn't have the opportunity to hang out with. I want to spend time with them as well.

Question 8 What were your friends' reactions after you started modeling?
A lot were 'I didn't know you would become like this' surprised. They used to tease me saying that I'm too skinny to be a model but now they all root for me and congratulate my everything.

Question 9 What do you do with your friends on off-days?
I love FIFA games. I do FIFA or actually play soccer. I also go out to Garosugil or Hongdae to hang out. I'm just a normal teenager.

Question 10 Tell us your future plans.
Since now, I started a profession here I want to keep expanding it. I'll study on my English more so I can also model internationally too.

Translated by_ Gen_E

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