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[PRNewswire] Vinamilk impresses Chinese consumers with a wide range of

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high-quality dairy products

(CHANGSHA, China, Oct. 17, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On September 21, 2019, Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) - one of the world's 50 largest dairy companies - has officially localized its brand into Chinese -- called "Yuenamiao" - to effectively target Chinese consumers.

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Featuring the theme "Choose nature - Choose Yuenamiao", Vinamilk has made a good impression with nutritious products that meet international and China's quality standard.

"Vinamilk is committed to provide high quality source of nutrition for millions of families, especially children. Our products are exported to more than 50 countries, including Japan, the United States, and Australia. In China, Vinamilk is keen to establish a trusted relationship with Chinese consumers and partners by increasing their understanding of our international standardized production process from dairy farms to processing plants.", said Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Executive Director, Research and Development of Vinamilk.

High Quality Nutritious Products

All Vinamilk products comply with international standards and fulfill all requirements as regulated by Chinese laws. In 2018, the People's Republic of China's General Administration of Customs has conducted several visits to inspect Vinamilk factories and farms. These visits have allowed Chinese authorities to learn more about the production process and assess the facilities' production capacity, quality and regulation compliance in preparation for exports to China.

Easily Accessible Brand

To create the most convenient shopping experience for Chinese consumers, Vinamilk has established its own stores on e-commerce sites such as Tmall [https://weinaru.world.tmall.com/?spm=a220o.1000855.1997427721.d4918089.3338bbe8SmOzxO ] (Alibaba), and is working with other major e-commerce sites such as Daily Fresh [https://missfresh.cn/ ], Lucky and Fresh [http://cyzone.cn/ ] in Hubei.

Vinamilk has been introducing its products to Chinese consumers since 2018. The products can now be found throughout China including Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan provinces. Vinamilk is also available in large-scale supermarket and hypermarkets such as Alibaba's Hema, Tianhong, Xiangjiang Baihuo, Haorunjia, and Huimiba. In August this year, Vinamilk's products were also displayed on the shelves of Dennis Department Store, the largest supermarket chain in Henan province.

Chinese consumers can now enjoy delicious and high-quality products which were customized to their taste and preferences. This includes a new line of exotic tropical fruit yogurt (passion fruit, durian, mango and jackfruit); six variants of probiotics yogurt drinks; premium plant-based products such as soymilk and rice milk; fruit juice and ready-to-drink milk coffee. In the near future, more "Yuenamiao" dairy products will be introduced to the market including A2 milk, organic milk and condensed dairy products.

In 2019, Vinamilk was included in Forbes Asia's 200 Best Over A Billion and Nikkei's Top 50 Listed Companies in Asia. The company currently has 13 factories in Vietnam and one each in the U.S., New Zealand and Cambodia as well as 12 farms in Vietnam which certified the largest Global G.A.P farming system in Asia and 1 organic farm complex in Laos with an expected scale up to 100,000 cows.

Video - https://cdn4.prnasia.com/002071/mnr/201910/Vinamilk/videov2.mp4

Vinamilk impresses Chinese consumers with a wide range of

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20191005/2598756-1-a

Vinamilk launches official Chinese logo "Yuenamiao"

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20191005/2598756-1-b

Visitors are interested in Vinamilk premium products

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20191005/2598756-1-c

Hi! Cafe, the new product with Chinese logo "Yuenamiao"

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20191005/2598756-1-d

"Yuenamiao" diverse range of products in Alibaba's Hema Store

Source: Vinamilk

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