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05.01 (수)

Shinhan Financial Group launches one-stop incubation platform Innotalk

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South Korea’s Shinhan Financial Group has launched in incubation platform called Innotalk with the ambition to groom at least 10 unicorns, or unlisted startups with valuation of over $1 billion, over the next five years and help create 100,000 new jobs over the next three years.

Innotalk, a combination of ‘innovation’ and ‘talk’, is an open platform arranging networking among companies, investors, job seekers and startups. Startups will be able to recruit and get free consultancies from a pool of legal, accounting and business experts under the financial group.


The platform offers one-stop services related to starting and running a business through customized information, consulting services and financial supports at different development stages of establishment, growth and maturity.

“Shinhan will play a role as a pacemaker to provide necessary assistance for startups and encourage new entrepreneurs to take up challenges,” Shinhan Financial Group Chairman Cho Yong-byoung said.


Chairman Cho Yong-byoung

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The financial group invites not just new businesses but also small- and mid-sized companies to make most of the free services aimed to assist companies build new growth engines and adjust to the rapidly changing business environment.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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