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05.11 (토)

President Moon, "Japan Will Suffer More Harm from Trying to Stop South Korea's Economic Growth"

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In a meeting with his senior secretaries and aides presided by President Moon Jae-in at Cheong Wa Dae on July 15, the president mentioned Japan's trade retaliation and said, "Just as we have overcome economic crises with the united power of the people many times, we will overcome this difficulty." Kim Ki-nam

On July 15, President Moon Jae-in mentioned Japan's trade retaliation and said, "We cannot ignore the latest measure, for it started with export restrictions on chemicals for semi-conductors, a core industry of the South Korean economy," and criticized, "It was no different from blocking the growth of our economy at a time when our economy is seeking to advance to a higher level."

In a meeting with Cheong Wa Dae secretaries and aides this day, the president also said, "Japan's export restrictions are different in methodology and objective from the usual protective trade measures, which aim to prevent damage to domestic industries." The president heightened his criticism claiming that Japan tried to bring down the system semiconductor field, one of the three pillars of the Moon Jae-in government's “new growth engine.”

President Moon said, "If that is Japan's intention, it will never succeed," and added, "Rather, they will undermine the trust in division of labor in the manufacturing industry with Japan, encouraging our companies to break away from their dependence on Japanese materials, parts and equipment, diversify import sources, and seek domestic production." He also said, "I warn that eventually, it will lead to more damage to the Japanese economy."

President Moon said, "Japan initially claimed that the action was due to a decision by our Supreme Court on forced labor, but after it failed to obtain the support of the international community for its linking a civil ruling between individuals and corporations with trade issues, it changed its words and claimed that the reason for the action was due to our alleged violation of sanctions against North Korea and the smuggling of strategic materials to the North." He further elaborated, "This is a serious challenge to our government, which has been faithfully implementing the four major international export controls and working hard to abide by the United Nations Security Council resolutions, while working to develop inter-Korean relations and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula within the boundaries of the sanctions." He criticized, "It also raises doubts on the joint effort of the international community, which supports the efforts of our government and joins in the process for peace on the Korean Peninsula."

President Moon repeatedly called for a diplomatic solution saying, "I hope that the Japanese government will withdraw its unilateral pressure and return to a forum for a diplomatic solution."

At the same time, the president also mentioned raising funds from South Korean and Japanese companies for compensation, which the government proposed as a solution to the compensation for victims of forced labor and said, "We never argued that that was the only solution. We simply suggested that we discuss a reasonable solution that can gain support from the victims and the people of both nations." He implied that the government could be flexible on ways to provide the funds if Japan is willing to approach the table for talks.

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