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NEC and Samsung Announce 5G Partnership Agreement

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- Established partnership for joint capabilities to explore new business opportunities in the global market

By Yun Sang-ho


[Digital Daily]

Seoul, Korea, October 24, 2018- NEC Corporation and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced a partnership of joint effort to strengthen their next generation business portfolio including 5G.

The partnership brings together the best-in-class technology and expertise in 5G, merging NEC and Samsung's leadership in 5G and IT solutions. It also provides mobile carriers with flexible 5G solutions that are localized for each region with customized services to meet mobile carriers' demands efficiently.

Since 5G will enable unprecedented services and business models, it is inevitable for mobile carriers to demand customized solutions and flexible network architecture. Through this partnership, both companies will satisfy these growing demands effectively by joining the best forces and capabilities from each company.

"5G development based on standardization will help to accelerate business transformation throughout global markets.' said Atsuo Kawamura, Executive Vice President and President of the Network Services Business Unit at NEC Corporation. "As 5G commercialization is just around the corner, we are confident that the partnership with Samsung will continue to solidify our stance as a 5G leader.'

"5G will unlock the potentials, create new values and push the limits of today's technology,' said Youngky Kim, President and Head of Networks Business at Samsung Electronics. "We are excited to announce our joint efforts with NEC to boost 5G end-to-end solution portfolio for the best user experience.'

Samsung has successfully commercialized 5G services across the US and also has been selected by one of the major Korean operators as its 5G vendor. Combined with NEC's expertise in the IT solution businesses, where it leverages its telecommunication technology, including 5G, both companies will explore new business opportunities in the global market.

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