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05.10 (금)

[K-SCIENCE] Mass Production of Astaxanthin

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This is ornamental fish Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus. The more its color gets red, the more expensive it is sold in the market.

If the fish is fed with feed containing an antioxidant called astaxanthin, its color turns clearer and its survival rate gets higher.

A team of South Korean researchers has developed an "LED container system" to mass produce astaxanthin.

The green liquid turns dark red after it passes through the red LED and blue LED lamps.

Because the color of phytoplankton living in the water has been changed.

"At the initial stage, the liquid looks green increasing the number of cells. But it turns red under specific circumstances as it acquires mechanism to produce astaxanthin."

Many market players have been competing to develop technology to mass produce astaxanthin due to its recognized effects in boosting immunity and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The research team claims that it has successfully cultured an indigenous seed haematococcus using LED light, that contains over five percent of astaxanthin, about twice as high as that contained in the cells of general domestic and foreign seed bacteria.

The newly cultured seed bacteria will be distributed to domestic shrimp farms to help them produce healthier products.

[Kim Dae-Geun, professor, Chonbuk Nat'l University]

"We are supplying newly synthesized astaxanthin to the shrimp farms as we have developed technology to mass produce astaxanthin originating from plants in nature."

The research team has developed an easy-to-move module embedded with devices for mass production of astaxanthin, which could be exported to Southeast Asian countries.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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