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05.19 (일)

Novel Ideas for Future Vehicles

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Only with one button press, the safety belt is fastened securely and the robot cleaner begins washing the car.

This is a model of futuristic vehicles produced by young researchers with novel and distinctive ideas.

The safety belt is fastened by itself when the driver sits down and presses a button.

The technology has been developed to help children who have an impairment and who shun wearing the seat belt.

[Kim Hyun-Soo, researcher, Hyundai-Kia R&D Center]
"The seat belt wearing rate in the rear seat is quite low. So we've developed the technology, aiming to let all those seated in the rear car seat, as well as all the car drivers fasten the seat belt."

As soon as a basketball is put in the car trunk, the individual frames at the bottom of the trunk automatically adjust their heights to wrap around the ball.

This technology has been designed to adjust the inner space of a vehicle at the user's discretion, heralding the advent of seatless vehicles.

[Jeong Woo-Joo, researcher, Hyundai-Kia R&D Center]
"It is nonsense that the driver and passengers on a self-driving car do the same as what they were doing in the past. So we have enabled them to adjust the interior space at their discretion."

A self-cleaning system for vehicles has also been developed.

These devices have been developed and presented by young research engineers who took part in this year's competition for future vehicles, which was sponsored by Hyundai Motor Company.

The technologies for future vehicles, created with novel ideas, are widely regarded to be the lifeblood of the domestic automotive industry which now faces trade pressure from the United States as well as China.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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