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05.13 (월)

Satellite imagery shows N. Korea's small rocket engine test: 38 North

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Satellite imagery revealed evidence that North Korea appeared to have conducted a small rocket engine test, the website of a US research institute said amid international concerns about an intercontinental ballistic missile being developed by the nuclear-armed country.

North Korea has technical and logistical capabilities to conduct such tests with little or no advance warning, but it's not possible to confirm whether the recent test at the North's Sohae base on or about June 22 was for an ICBM engine, according to 38 North.

Both natural-color and color-infrared imagery of the test stand showed numerous tire tracks on its apron and at the nearby garage that were not previously present, indicating recent heavy vehicular traffic, it said.

"Such traffic is similar to that seen for previous engine tests. More significantly, the image shows widespread, but minor, damage to vegetation surrounding the base of the test stand where rocket engine exhaust is directed during tests," 38 North said, adding the minor damage suggests that the test was related to a "relatively small engine".

The North's rocket launches are seen as crucial steps toward Pyongyang's ultimate goal of a nuclear-armed missile capable of reaching the US mainland. In February last year, Pyongyang put a satellite into orbit and leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to launch more rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads. In February, Pyongyang launched a new intermediate-range ballistic missile, insisting it has acquired improved technologies related to a nuclear warhead, re-entry and guided flight.

Computer simulations showed that the North has yet to demonstrate a working re-entry vehicle with a heat shield suitable for an ICBM, Ralph Savelsberg, an associate professor at the Netherlands Defence Academy, said in an article published by 38 North in May. An ICBM capable of delivering a payload needs to be able to reenter the atmosphere without breaking up.

Lim Chang-won = cwlim34@ajunews.com

임장원 cwlim34@ajunews.com

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