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05.04 (토)

[AJU PHOTO] Sailing in Tiburon, California

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Tiburon, California looking perfect on a sunny day.

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San Francisco, USA - A sunny and warm weekend is coming. It will go over 70s Fahrenheit, just right for people who love sailing and basking in the sunlight while sipping wine. The perfect place to sail this weekend is Tiburon, California.

Tiburon is a city nestling by the San Francisco Bay and is only 17 miles north of San Francisco. The city is known for its spectacular view of the Bay, Angel Island, San Francisco cityscape, and Golden Gate Bridge.Tiburon is also known as the home to many millionaire and billionaires including the famous actor, late Robin Williams.

For people who likes sailing regularly, you can check out Tiburon Yacht Club and Corinthian Yacht Club for more permanent membership.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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