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[PRNewswire] Ningbo, China-themed Short film festival held in Busan, Korea

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BUSAN, South Korea April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- At the 41st Busan International Short Film Festival (BISFF) held at the Busan Cinema Center in South Korea from 27 to 29 April local time, three Chinese short films, 'The Captured', 'Where do Ants sleep at Night' and 'Daughter and son', selected by the 30°Ningbo Short Film Festival (30°NSFF) appeared in Busan as a special Screening. The special Screening attracted film selectors, film curators, students and teachers from Dongseo University and DONG-EUI University from Italy, France, Japan as well as from the local area.

At the event, the manager of 30°NSFF introduced Ningbo and Short Film Festival to the audience, and issued an invitation to global filmmakers, hoping that more international friends can come to Ningbo and experience it. Huang Rongqi, director of the short film 'Autumn Comes and Goes', shared his creative concept on the spot, saying that as a Ningbo resident, he was very proud to come to South Korea with his hometown Festival, and he was very thankful that the platform of the 30°NSFF could introduce more excellent Chinese short films and filmmakers to film fans and industry professionals all over the world.

As the first stop of the 2024 Ningbo special Screening overseas tour, 30°Ningbo Short Film Festival will continue to strengthen with international film festivals and carry out overseas video tours in the UK, Italy, New Zealand, France, etc., so as to help Chinese short films and Chinese filmmakers to 'go out' and further deepen cooperation, mutual learning and mutual appreciation with filmmakers from countries along the route. The festival will further deepen the cooperation and mutual learning with filmmakers from countries along the route, and promote the exchange of international film culture and talents.

Source: 30°Ningbo Short Film Festival

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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