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05.05 (일)

[2006~2009년]Chang Ji-won①‥Episode in rustic simplicity

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숨겨진 차원, 53.0×33.3㎝ mixed media on canvas, 2008 The contemporary social circumstances summarizing in fast and complex might be needed the approaching way which art can be more slowly comfortable and simple.

Actually, as the fact that the vividness of digital paradigm were got rid of all sorts of noise was influenced by the norm in our everyday life, it is the evidence that has been re-made in collusion with the old version of the historical romanticism like the metaphor and irony.

The driving force of cultural pluralism representing as it is in reality; the confrontation seeking on reflection could not be avoided in the reality revealing in general complementary mutual cooperation.


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숨겨진 차원, 33.3×24.2㎝ mixed media on canvas, 2008 It is seemed to be the reason that the minimalism predominant in the end of last century still has been getting along with the other in total province of the formative arts by these social situations.

It is not specific style that put the topic or subject of the motive of the formative arts has regarded in the slow and simple I has been finding that the phenomenon many artists has been live up to action in many ways which acceptable part and level has been already settled down the paradigm as the general value.


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숨겨진 차원, 116.7×91㎝ mixed media on canvas, 2007 In the case of the western painter, Chang Ji-won is the one of the example artist. Although the artist herself didnt take any action in the middle of the sharpening conflict, her artworks could be participated in the situations of the times interpretatively.

The scene of her(CHANG CHI WON,Korean painter Chang Chi-Won,ARTIST CHANG CHI WON,CHANG JI WON,서양화가 장지원,장지원 작가,장지원 화백,張志瑗)artworks was filled with the aura with the atmosphere murmuring and mild, the lyrics with intimacy and in high concentration. It is an easily approachable in the image with dailies and fairy or episode in rustic simplicity.

△Lee Jae Eon/Art critic

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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