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06.06 (목)

[K-MOVE] Winter Surfing

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People are seen floating in the freezing waters of the East Sea.

They begin to swim strokes as the waves roll in on the beach.

And they swiftly stand up on the surfboard to ride the waves.

But those who lost their balance fall down from the board.

Surfing in winter is not for the faint of heart. It's a challenge against near-freezing water temperatures and beyond-freezing air temperatures, as well as against howling winds.

These days, some 500 surfers are known to flock to the coasts of the country's eastern Gangwon Province every day to catch a big wave.

[An Seok-Sun, surfer]

"The best thing about the surfing is that I come across different feelings, whenever I ride the waves. It's not cold in the winter suit."

If enchanted by the charms of winter surfing, it is hard to resist paddling out in the water.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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