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05.20 (월)

[K-SCIENCE] Food for Elderly Tested by Robots

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A robot that chews food like a human has been introduced by a local research team.

As the robot chews, its teeth move up and down and to the right and the left.

The robot can copy the movements of the human temporomandibular joints.

The robot system is also able to get a tongue and secrete saliva.

This test is aimed at exactly measuring the robot system's strength of chewing food.

The data from the tests are used to produce "soft food" for elderly people who have difficulties with chewing food.

The research team has recently completed tests for foodstuffs ranging from solid vegetables such as carrots and lotus roots to different kinds of meat like beef, pork, and chicken.

[Lee Sang-Hoon, researcher, Korea Food Research Institute]

"The technology helps (the elderly) chew food better, maintaining their shapes and flavor preferences as well."

The technology is likely to play a key role in creating a new food market for aging customers.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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