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05.10 (금)

[K-MOVE] Energy Storage System

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This is a big enterprise operating in South Korea's southeastern city of Changwon.

The company has recently installed a 70 megawatt-per-hour energy storage system (ESS).

The ESS is a kind of rechargeable battery.

The system is designed to capture energy produced at nighttime for use during daylight hours.

Users can cut their electric bills by using nighttime electricity, and using ESS equipment gives them additional discounts.

[Kim Seong-Won, vice president, Doosan Heavy Industries]

"We expect power costs to be reduced by 10 to 12 percent, compared with the current electricity consumption."

This is an auto part company in the country's southeastern city of Daegu, that uses a 1.5-megawatt-per-hour ESS equipment.

[Choi Young-Cheol, official, CENTRAL Co.]

"We could be of a help to the (state-run) Korea Electric Power Corporation when it faces emergency situations in power supply and demand in summer and winter peak times."

Local businesses are seen competing to install ESS facilities because of the benefits of using them, which include energy savings and power cost reductions.

During the first half of this year, a total of 1.8-gigawatt-per-hour ESS facilities were supplied domestically, and the figure tops the 1.1-gigawatt-per-hour mark over the past six years.

The number of Korean companies using the ESS facilities has sharply been increasing in line with the government's new and renewable energy policy.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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