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05.13 (월)

Girl band BLACKPINK tops Billboard's World Digital Song Sales chart

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Girl group BLACKPINK won the top place in Billboard's World Digital Song Sales chart for the week of July 8 with the title song of its new album. The group also had its name on the 15th place on Billboard's Social 50 chart.

The four-member group released a new album last week. The music video of the album's title song "As If It's Your Last" garnered more than 32 million hits on YouTube in less than a week.

"As If It's Your Last" is produced by Teddy, the main producer of YG Entertainment, the home for many artists including BIGBANG and iKON. The genius producer's works include BLACKPINK's previous global hit songs such as "Boombayah", "Playing with Fire" and "Whistle".

Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

박세진 swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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