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06.20 (목)

Park Min-young is broken up with boyfriend, her agency says

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Actress Park Min-young has revealed that she has already broken up with her wealthy boyfriend.

On September 29, Park Min-young’s agency Hook Entertainment said, “We apologize for the delayed statement. First of all, Park Min-young has broken up with the individual mentioned in the dating rumors.”

“It is not true at all that Park Min-young received significant monetary benefits from the individual. Her older sister Ms. Park has submitted her intent to resign from her position as an outside director of INBIOGEN. Park Min-young will do her best to not cause harm to her ongoing drama “Love in Contract” since it is her top priority right now to successfully complete filming for it,” the agency said.

Previously, Dispatch reported that the actress is dating a wealthy businessman “Kang” and brought up various allegations against him.

ⓒ "젊은 파워, 모바일 넘버원 아시아투데이"

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