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06.16 (일)

Mixed duo 'Monogram', First concert, 'Prologue' SOLD OUT

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[MHN] Mixed duo 'Monogram's first concert 'Prologue' has SOLD OUT on 2nd right after the ticket sale opened in Melon ticket.

Monologue is a mixed duo within IHQ. After their debut on September last year, kept released albums, 'While You were Sleeping OST', 2nd mini album 'Space Travel', 'A poem a day OST' and through busking stages, have met many fans already.

As it is their first concert, it has been anticipated Monologue would appear on stage with new concept, giving comfortable and warm atmosphere. On the stage, Monologue would show off their unique charm with acoustic and analogue concept which perfectly fits with 'Monologue' music.

According to 'Whispering with Monogram', posted on Monogram official SNS, if one posts a cover and story related to the song, Monogram would hold a draw and on the day of concert, introduce the story and deliver special presents.

Produced by Paekche Institute of the Arts entertainment University, school of management, supported by IHQ, 'Monogram's first independent concert would be held in Pomtech Worthhall Hongdae, Seoul on coming July 2nd, 5pm.

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