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09.22 (일)

TWICE♥Somi, unexpected friendship revealed video on Music Bank

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[MHN] TWICE members showed their friendships with So-mi.

On KBS Music bank broadcasted on 20th, Somi filmed self-video as a special guest to reveal it on the stage singing 'Yoo-hoo' with Eric nam.

On Music Bank self-video, Somi headed to TWICE waiting room saying, "I would go meet TWICE members."

When Somi opened the waiting room door, Jung-yeon, Na-yeon Cha-young and other members yelled out Somi's name and welcomed her. Na-yeon hugged Somi and archly called Somi 'big sister Somi' and brought laughter.

Somi and TWICE members showed choreography of 'What is Love'.

On the other hand, Somi appeared on Mnet audition program 'Sixteen' which selected TWICE members on 2015. Henceforth So-mi won the Mnet 'Produce 101 Season 1' and started performing as a group 'I.O.I'.

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