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04.28 (일)

The Judges Comments that Broke KPOP STAR Boyfriend, Minari, Queens' Hearts

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On SBS Power FM 'Two'o'clock escape Cultwo Show' Minari, Queens and Boyfriend from KPOP STAR joined.


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Cultwo asked if they had any comments from the judges that struck them and the three team all answered different stories. Queens said, "I wanted to be polite but when they told me I was too much like a nerd I had a lot going through my mind. I mean I'm really talented actually."

Boyfriend shared that there weren't any words that broke their hearts but instead mentioned a cheer up from their father. "My dad said that even though you made a mistake, don't care too much about it. Just do a better performance next time." ChanWoo Jung added that he remembers the saying, "A stage of mistakes is a stage most great."

Minari said, "Yu said he would invite me to his Sketchbook program but I'm not sure if he really meant it. I'm kinda feeling left out that he hasn't been calling yet" with a laugh. Again she mentioned it, "So I'm saying this on the radio. Please invite me!"

Adding on she said it hurt when one of the comments said she "needed some polishing" but then continued saying "I'm pretty strong thanks to my parent's way of raising me so I don't get hurt easily."

Translated by_ Gen_E

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