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05.15 (수)

Group Girls' Generation coming back in Aug.

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Renowned K-pop group Girls' Generation is coming back in August with an album to mark its 10th debut anniversary.

The album will be the band's first full-group record to release in two years.

The group's comeback is expected to be made on August 5. It is as part of its special project to celebrate the 10th anniversary.

Girls' Generation has been managing to stay as a group for 10 strong years and continue to evolve as a band as well as individually.

Despite the disbandment of the so-called K-pop girl groups such as Wonder Girls and Sistar, Girls' Generation has kept itself in place with various activities.

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[저작권자(c) YTN(Yes! Top News) 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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