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05.09 (목)

Kim Yoo-mi, Eugene, and Uhm Tae-woong look friendly at press conference of 'Can We Love'

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On January 2, actresses Kim Yoo-mi and Eugene, and actor Uhm Tae-woong attended a press conference of JTBC's upcoming Mon-Tue drama 'Can We Love' held at Megabox in Dongdaemun, Seoul.

'Can We Love' is about three women in their late thirties.

The drama, starring Eugene, Uhm Tae-woong, Kim Yoo-mi, Choi Jung-yoon, Kim Sung-soo, Kim Hye-ok, and Gil Yong-woo, will air on January 6 at 9:45 PM.

{ ⓒ '글로벌 종합일간지' 아시아투데이 }

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