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01.13 (월)

PHOTOS: Crowd goes wild as President Yoon is impeached

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SEOUL, December 14 (AJP) - Tens of thousands of people cheered on near the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, Saturday as the National Assembly's second ballot on the impeachment motion against President Yoon Suk Yeol was passed.

The vote was triggered by Yoon's martial law declaration on Dec. 3, which sparked widespread public protests.

Civilians gathered near the National Assembly cheer on as they confirmed that President Yoon's impeachment vote has been passed, Dec. 14, 2024, AJP Han Jun-gu

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National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik declared the passing of President Yoon's impeachment vote in the National Assembly, Dec. 14, 2024. Aju Business Daily Yoo Dae-gil

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