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09.29 (일)

UK boyfriend gets beat up and prevents girlfriend from getting raped

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A boyfriend from the UK got beat up mercilessly by assailants while his girlfriend ran away to get help.

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On September 1 after midnight, Tom Kennedy, a 30-year-old from the UK, and his girlfriend were heading home after a night out on their bikes together in Cambridge area when they were attacked by a gang of assailants.

When they passed by a bus station in a remote area on Paget road, two men popped out of nowhere and knocked them off their bikes. They threatened Kennedy and his girlfriend that they will rape her. Kennedy blocked them with all his strength to protect his girlfriend.

She was able to run away while Kennedy was violently getting beat up by two assailants. The girlfriend was able to bring police officers to the incident site and Kennedy was transferred to a nearby hospital. When the officers arrived at the scene, the selfless boyfriend was lying in a pool of blood without consciousness.

Fortunately, Kennedy did not sustain any fractures or internal organ ruptures. He was severely bruised all over.

Kennedy recounted the incident and told the Daily Mail, a UK based news media, that "My girlfriend says that two guys told her to go away or they'll rape her. Then she ran away while they beat me up. She came back to find me in a pool of blood."

He explained that he is "6 ft 3 ins" and "can fight very well", however, the assailants caught him "off guard and drunk".

The assailants didn't take anything from Kennedy and ran away after beating him for about five minutes.

Kennedy said he decided to reveal his story to the public because the attack like this should not happen to anyone and the city has to install lights in the little dark road he and his girlfriend got attacked on.

The authorities are still searching for the suspects and asking the public's help to come forward with information.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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