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09.28 (토)

Ahn Hee-jung, “Let‘s Change the World with a Young President!”

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- Ahn Hee-jung, governor of Chungcheongnam-do thanks his supporters after declaring his presidential bid in a small theater in Hyehwa-dong, Seoul on January 22. Jeong Ji-yun

Ahn Hee-jung (52), governor of Chungcheongnam-do officially declared his bid for the nineteenth presidential election. The declaration was made in an unprecedented way: announcing his presidential vision in a Q&A session with citizens that lasted for five hours.

Ahn is the first potential candidate in the Minjoo Party of Korea to officially declare his presidential bid. He defined himself as the “legitimate descendent” of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun. Although he is cited as a “dark horse” that could threaten Moon Jae-in’s lead, the announcement this day was aggressive and unconventional given that he falls far behind Moon in approval ratings.

“An Unprecedented Declaration of a Presidential Bid in a Q&A Session” held in a little theater in Daehakno, Seoul on January 22, Ahn said, “Let‘s change the world together with a young president, Ahn Hee-jung!” He stressed, “We need a young leader who can create a new world with his mind, body and actions, not just someone who talks about new things. This the beginning of a shift into a new era.” “I am the most aggressive democratic leader calling for the liquidation of the past and I suggest that we overcome our current state with democracy,” he added.

He also worked hard to kick out the idea of him as a future candidate for the next election. Ahn said, “I am the legitimate son of the Democratic Party. I am confident that I can do it. I argue that I must do it, because that is the rational option.”

He also appealed, “I wish to tell the many citizens who say that they have already decided to vote for the candidate Moon Jae-in. It’s not too late. I ask that you carefully compare the challenges of our times that the future governments of Moon Jae-in and Ahn Hee-jung will have to resolve.”

Towards the Honam voters, he stressed the fact that he was a candidate succeeding the history of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun. Ahn said, “The history of Kim Dae-jung, who rewrote the history of the opposition party in the Republic of Korea arguing that the people in their forties should be the new standard bearers, in 2017, Ahn Hee-jung will continue that history.”

“Ahn Hee-jung is the only party politician who remained faithful to principles amidst a politics where principles were repeatedly absent with politicians throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks at a party to which they had sworn loyalty and allegiance, because the party did not nominate them as candidates,” he said. He also said, “Even if Moon Jae-in, Lee Jae-myung, and Park Won-soon also lived a noble life of dedication, I am the legitimate son and the rightful heir of the Democratic Party when it comes to party politics.”

He launched a direct attack on former party leader Moon Jae-in in connection to “liquidating the past.”

Ahn said, “Moon Jae-in as well as other candidates pledge to overcome a problem that has already been liquidated. What is there to overcome when the people have already trampled them with their candlelight in the square?” “If it is the evils of an imperial presidential system, then the problem is what kind of parliamentary power we should create, and how the Constitution should operate to overcome the imperial presidential system. But Moon says that he will relocated Cheong Wa Dae to Sejong-si. If that is his alternative, then it is too trivial a policy.”

Moon encouraged Ahn on his presidential bid saying, “We are one team. I expect a great primary.”

This day‘s event was held with Ahn answering the questions that citizens at the theater and on social network sites posted in realtime. Over four thousand people watched the event, which was broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube. Ahn ate “rice in a cup” for lunch with the citizens.

He said, “I will not distinguish myself by striking others. I will lead the competition by providing more information about me.” Former Justice Minister Kang Geum-sil; Yang Woo-suk, the director of the film The Attorney; and entertainer Hong Seok-cheon, along with the Minjoo Party of Korea lawmakers who support Ahn, such as Kim Jong-min, Jo Seoung-lae, and Jung Jae-ho; former Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Yoon Tae-young; former Cheong Wa Dae Chief of Staff Lee Byung-wan; former Cheong Wa Dae administrative staff Yeo Tae-su; and former lawmaker Seo Gap-won were present this day. Supreme Council members Jeon Hae-cheol and Choi In-ho, who support Moon Jae-in, and lawmaker Park Nam-choon were also sighted this day.

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