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04.20 (토)

Akdong Musician member Lee Chan-hyuk to release novel later this month

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SEOUL -- Brother-sister duo band Akdong Musician member Lee Chan-hyuk will release a novel later this month, the duo's agency said.

YG Entertainment said in a statement on Wednesday that "Fish Meets Water", a novel written by the 23-year-old, will be released on September 26, a day after the release of the band's comeback album "Sailing" on September 25.

Lee, the older brother, joined a marine unit in September 2017 and was discharged from the military in May this year. The singer-composer had been preparing for Akdong Musician's new album and his novel simultaneously, the agency said.

Akdong Musician debuted in 2012 and had been on a hiatus of about two years. Lee Su-hyun, the younger sister, has appeared in popular busking TV show series "Begin Again" and operated a beauty and health YouTube content channel while her brother was away while Lee chan-hyuk was away. Lee Su-hyun, the younger sister, was active as a
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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