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04.25 (목)

Kakao Taxi to enter the Japanese market

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Now you can call a taxi in Japan with the Kakao taxi app.

On October 22, Kakao announced that it has concluded a strategic partnership with Japan’s largest taxi-calling service company, JapanTaxi (CEO Kawanabe Ichiro) and Kakao Taxi Global Services. Kakao taxi’s attempt to enter the overseas market is beginning in earnest.

Under the agreement, Kakao and Japan Taxi will produce a mobile taxi calling services, owned by the two companies, so that users can conveniently use taxis anywhere both in Korea and Japan.

For example, a Kakao taxi user will be able to call a taxi in Japan with a Kakao taxi app in Japan. In the same way, Japan taxi user will also be able to call a Kakao taxi through the Japan taxi app in Korea. It is expected to greatly improve the convenience of visitors to Korea and Japan for travel or business trips.

Chung Joo-Hwan, Vice general manager of the Kakao Mobility Business Division, said, “Ever since the launch of Kakao taxi app, there had been constant proposals of partnership from many different countries. Among them, we wanted to make a step forward with Japanese market first as more than 5 million Korean tourists visited Japan in 2016.”

Kawanabe Ichiro, CEO of Japan Taxi said, “the number of travelers who travel between Korea and Japan is increasing by more than 130% every year. Furthermore, to prepare for the 2018 Pyeong Chang Olympic Games and the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan has been promoting our first global business agreement with a Kakao taxi. JapanTaxi and Kakao taxi will do our best to provide more comfortable mobile experience for users in both countries. “

글: 오방혁(wubanghe@platum.kr)

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